The 'StaticPage' Folders ModuleThis is a static page. All of the data pages describing each of the folder modules above have been static pages (linking to their various appropriate Plain, Unboxed Preface, and Boxed Preface versions of the real modules). Static pages do not have "Plain" versions. That would, in essence, be a blank page. They do have Unboxed and Boxed versions, though (or if you prefer, a combination of both). The Static Page is created by typing the text for the page into the "Folder Body" field of the "Folder Settings" tab of the Folder. This will create a basic Unboxed Static Page. A Boxed Static Page (or area) is created by first typing the contents into the "Folder Body" of the "Folder Settings" tab of the Folder. Then, once the data for the page has been input, click on the little "HTML" button on the editor menu. Place <div class="dc-container"> at the very beginning of the data that you want to be included in the "box", and </div> at the very end of the data that you want to be included in the "box". If you would like to box the entire page, just place the opening one at the very beginning and the closing one at the very ending (unless you like boxes to accentuate your paragraphs then you can box each paragraph, your choice). Once you have finished "boxing" your page, click "Update" to have the changes placed into the "Folder Body" editor (NOTE: you will not see boxes in the "Folder Body" editor even when you have done this correctly). Also note, in the boxed example, I have chosen to box each paragraph (since this page itself is an example of "boxing" a page from beginnning to end). The two examples of a Static Page: |
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